Theory on a String (Of Conversations), Pt. III

“Gio, I’ve been tapping into your energy lately, and it’s all over the place!  What’s going on?  And how can I help?”

Waking up to that text after two different friends called me out on my crap was interesting to say the least.

Now, I have a second name that my friends use here in the canyon where I live.  The story is simple and goes like this:

My roommate, who wasn’t my roommate at the time, could never remember my name when first we met 2 years ago.  I would tell her my name was Jon, and she would always forget every time I sneaked into her little eatery, in my pajama pants with my baseball cap pulled low to hide the tired look in my eyes, to buy the occasional eggs and the French Vanilla coffee cream.  She finally told me one day that I didn’t look like a Jon, and that was why she couldn’t get my name embedded in her mind.  Well, I went to work that day at the Italian restaurant, and a group of ladies decided that they too didn’t think that I looked like a Jon, so they decided to re-name me for the day as Giovanni.  I told Carolyn, and voila, a new name was born, and it’s been around for the last two years.  So there you go.  Back to the subject at hand.

I was only slightly amazed at the text I had received that morning, considering the source.  It was a friend of mine that does massage therapy, but who she is and what she does is so much more than that.  She has been to Peru, lived and studied with shamans and she has drunk the ayhuasca, a psychoactive drink that induces visions and such, which has, according to her observations, increased her talents in different ways.

The point being, that when she talks about tapping into my energy, I know very well how capable and adept she is with such things.

I texted her back, asking if we could meet up to speak about it, as the subject of my scattered energy was too much to discuss in texts or even on the phone for that matter.  She agreed to meet me at her office.

Walking into her place is what I would think it would be like to walk into a meditation temple.  It’s energy is calm and soothing, and you instantly know that you’re in a place where healing takes place in myriad, wonderful ways.

“So, what’s going on?’

Well, you said that my energy is all over the place.  What does that mean to you?

Now, like I said, I know this woman, and I have worked with this woman in the practitioner/client sense, so I know what she can do, but I wasn’t really prepared for the depth she was about to show me.

She began recounting almost step-by-step the things that were occurring in my life.  And I mean it was detail oriented to an almost freaky degree.  I sat there, my best poker face on, not wanting to give away my amazement at her accuracy.

“I feel like you’re going through some huge transitions.  But this time is different from the others you have experienced.  I feel like you’re really doing the work this time.  Does that make sense?”

It did.

“You’ve been here before, but you’re really digging, really being introspective, and you’re really ready to make the necessary steps you need to this time.  That’s all great, but I have words of caution for you too.”

No good deed goes unpunished is what they say in this particular situation, I believe.

“You have to be careful of what you accept.  You are given things because of the way you look, because of the charming capabilities you have, and that type of thing.  You know what I’m talking about.”

It wasn’t a question.  And I knew what she was talking about.

“You have to find a balance.  This is perhaps your biggest lesson right now.  Accept things, but be sure you give back equally.  You haven’t always given back equally, but now it’s more important than ever that you do.  You’re funny in a way.  You go to the extreme in these matters.  You feel you deserve to receive certain things and you don’t at the same time.  You’re kind of like an ego-maniac with an inferiority complex.”

I hadn’t thought about myself quite like that before, but I knew she was right.  It was a brilliant observation.

“It’s also very important that you follow through.  That is probably the second most important thing you need to understand and learn right now.  It’s close to the balance lesson, but more likely it’s just a bit behind in terms of priority for your growth and learning right now.  You must follow through in order to do the things you have come here to do.”

The things I am here to do.

Well, if things come in three’s, then I suppose I just received my third.  But the conversations weren’t finished.  Spirit itself still had a couple of things to say to me.

Published in: on July 6, 2011 at 11:51 am  Comments (10)  
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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. As always, thank you for sharing, Jon. And, “an ego maniac with an inferiority complex”, right on! I wouldn’t ever say that about anyone, but man, I think she analyzed me too! 🙂

    • Yes, she nailed me with that one. I’ve thought that very thing about myself at many times throughout my life, wondering how it was possible to feel like two completely different people without feeling like a person with bi-polar disorder. I just would never had articulated it quite like that. It’s an interesting idea, isn’t it? I think my first book might be sub-titled, “Observations from an Ego-Maniac with an Inferiority Complex”. What do you think? 🙂

      • I, too, have always felt like multiple people, but just thought everyone scratched a different layer, so each person unfortunately only received parts of my personality. Crap, maybe that is Sybil-like. Ha!

        Tis an interesting idea.

        Titled – Your Welcome
        Sub Titled – Observations from an Ego-Maniac with an Inferiority Complex.


      • Holy crap! That’s brilliant! May I have that? I’ll give you total credit of course!

  2. No worries at all Jon.
    Come to San Francisco so we can talk cosmos, serendipity, and the finer things in life like coffee, bikes, and how great we really are if only everyone else would just see that. (Ask Paola, she thinks exactly the same way)

    • Ha! That is you, Tara! Yea! When I’m there next, we shall definitely get together to discuss that and many other things! Much love to you!

  3. Balance in everything is all that I strive for

    • Wow. You’re really diggin in! I haven’t thought about this blog over here in quite some time.

      • If I find something interesting then I am happy to read and learn something new. It’s great to look at different points of views on the same subject and to broaden my knowledge and challenge those grey cells right at the back to pull up their socks.

      • That last line made me laugh. Thanks for that.

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